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Culture/History/Ethnology - La musique gaelique - Language Exchange

Category: Culture/History/Ethnology
Discussion: La musique gaelique

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# Message Posted By
La musique gaelique
Bonjour a tous!
Je m'appelle Aggi, j'ai 21 et je suis indonesien. Je m'aintersse a la langue francaise mais aussi a la musique gaelique (irlandaise et ecossaise). Si vous avez le meme goute comme moi, j'aimerais bien faire la connaissance avec vous!
Anyone could help me to lean Irish? I'm really fall in love with this country!

Language pair: French; All
Aggi Sukmawandhani
July 31, 2006

Re:La musique gaelique
I can teach you some Irish and about Irish culture if you want!!I am also learning French, so maybe we could learn together. Do you have msn??
Talk to you soon.

Language pair: French; All
This is a reply to message # 84089

August 1, 2006


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