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Making Friends - Hi, Nadia morales! :D - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Hi, Nadia morales! :D

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# Message Posted By
Hi, Nadia morales! :D
Thanks for your message!
How are you today? :)

I`m so glad that you`re going to take korean lesson!
I hope you`re good at korean someday! :)

hehe..you watchd Rain`s performance, it was nice, huh? :)
If you`re interested in korean culture, and it`s more easy to learnn korea, I think. :)
I will hel you!

Ok,,I try again now,
this is my e-mail address,
bori1027 athotmaildotcom

I have a hotmail account and, it`s bori1027.


Have a nice day, Nadia!

From korea,

Language pair: Korean; English
secret :)
October 2, 2006

Re:Hi, lee! :D

hi, lee!!

thanks for you email adress!!!
Do you have meeseger? I'll add you to my messenger contacts!! or if you prefer we can sent us e-mails.

see you soon!!

Language pair: Korean; English
This is a reply to message # 90509

October 3, 2006


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