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New Member - "Im a new one" that's message and find Kirara and Paul and another girl. - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: "Im a new one" that's message and find Kirara and Paul and another girl.

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# Message Posted By
"Im a new one" that's message and find Kirara and Paul and another girl.
Ok, if Kirara see this message will be great!
I can't reply your message and I don't know why. So I just can write here to you, Kirara.
You ask me if I have e-mail or not, I have.
This is my: njxxxer-every at yahoo.com.cn at=@
I am soory for write too late.
And I want tell Paul and er....Ma...Im sorry I forget your name. She is spanish girl. In that message I wrote wrong e-mail and I am really really sorry. That's my right mail add.
bye!(I hope this message could publish anyway)

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; All

October 5, 2006


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