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Making Friends - Please reply! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Please reply!

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# Message Posted By
Please reply!
is anybody here interested in learning German?I'm German and I'm very interested in practicing my English a littlebit more because the practice at school isn't enough and so maybe u could help me???

please reply!
bye-bye(bis dann)

[I've begun learning french at school this year, too.But it isn't very good yet and if somebody french wants to learn German I'll help u of course and maybe I'll also learn from u!]

Language pair: German; English
October 31, 2006

Re:Please reply!
Hi !

I'm french, my name is Stephane, I learn german alone, and I would like learn with someone. Are you interested?

Language pair: French; German
This is a reply to message # 92891
November 1, 2006

Re:Please reply!
I speak a little German and would be happy to help you with English! I can speak some French too and would be happy to help.
I'm not a Gold member, so email me and maybe we could talk more?

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 92891
November 1, 2006

Re:Re:Please reply!
I'm realy glad to see that u both want to help me!Of course I'd like to learn with you!I'm not a gold member but I think we'll find a way to talk!

I thougt I'd write a message to every single one of u so I needn't generalize it...=P

to Stephane: Yes I'd love to help u with your german and I think you can help me with my french from time to time, too!are u a gold member?(if not we'll find a way to talk, I'm sure) Danke im Vorraus!-Thank u

to Nicolle: I'm glad to hear u wanna help me with my english!!~~>thank u!as I wrote it in the first few lines I'm not a gold member but I'm sure we'll find a way to talk!:)

Danke euch beiden![Thank you so much]

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 92952
November 2, 2006


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