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Culture/History/Ethnology - china - great place - Language Exchange

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Discussion: china - great place

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china - great place
I came back from a great trip to China this past summer, and I would like to learn more about the different cultures and places in China. If you happen to be native of China/Taiwan/Hong Kong and now live in the San Francisco Bay Area (California, USA), feel free to let me know if you want to share about your culture; this may be helpful way to practice your english. Also, I am working but in my free time, I've been also working to improve my Mandarin.

Note: one big thing I learned from my China trip: it is such a big and diverse country (culture, people, geography, etc), that it is too hard to speak about China as a whole without stereotyping and over-generalizing.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
October 26, 2006

Re:china - great place
Hello, I'm native of Taiwan, you said you went to China in past summer. Where were you going?? Did you meet something interesing or confusing you? Also, you said you are learing Mandarin, if you have any problem I will be glad to help you.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 92477
November 5, 2006

Re:Re:china - great place
Thanks for asking. I went to a relatively remote area in China, where I saw ethnic minorities. Pretty interesting - some things were definitely different than the U.S., but as long as a person is open to adapting to a new environment, it is not that bad (my opinion). I hope to return, but I need to improve my Mandarin first. If you are a gold member, feel free to contact me. Best wishes on your English!

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 93325
November 7, 2006

Re:china - great place
Most of people I've heard went to some relative modern city like Shanghai or Beijing. But I think ethnic minorities are also one part of China, their culture diet and life style are different from Han nationality (I mean the main nationality of China). I'm sure you had a great experience in your trip.
I'd like to contact you, unfortunely, I'm not the gold member, ethier. so I think maybe we could talk here first and discuss how to practice. If you have any idea, please tell me. Waiting for your reply.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 92477
November 8, 2006

Re:Re:china - great place
Hello - it may be hard to contact each other now, but feel free to share your thoughts here. Also, I'm thinking of putting some suggestions later on the Language Tips bulletin board, basically things that have helped me study language. Hopefully, it will be helpful to you and others that are learning a second language!

note: China is such a great, diverse place to visit, with so much beautiful scenery, and yes, as you said, a lot of culture and food.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 93617
November 9, 2006

Re:Re:Re:china - great place
I didn't find your message on language tip bulletin board. Although we could not practice speaking, we could learn writing on the board. Could you type in Chinese? If you could, then maybe we could type ourself sentences once in Chinese and once in English. when we reply, we could help each other to correct the mistake. If you think that's a good way to try, we could start it in your next replication.
Of coruse we need a topic, since you just came back from China, shall we talk about your trip?

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
This is a reply to message # 93674
November 13, 2006


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