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Making Friends - about me... - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: about me...

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about me...
aloha everybody my is Briana im 16yrz old from da island of moloka'i. i can speak hawaiian and regular english. im a junyah at moloka'i high sku and weo i paddle canoe and dance tahitian and well im looking a pen pal jus talk to yah be frenz wit or someone that can teach me a different language

Language pair: Hawaiian; English
October 18, 2006

Re:about me...
Aloha! i m a 17 yr-old girl from Hong Kong. i m the one who like 2 chat n can help u with Chinese^0^hope that I can get a chance to chat with you n learn both Hawaiian n English from u^3^

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
This is a reply to message # 91784
November 22, 2006

Re:about me...
Hi! I'm spanish. I'm 19 years old. I want to improve my english, write me if you want and can became friends :) (Balrog_bcn) at (hot..)(...mail.com)
Hope to see you!

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 91784
November 23, 2006


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