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Making Friends - To correspond in English and French !! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: To correspond in English and French !!

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# Message Posted By
To correspond in English and French !!
Salut !!
Je recherche un ou une correspondante pour échanger en Français ma langue natale et en Anglais celle que j'apprends. Je pourrai également aidé cette personne à apprendre le Français. A bientôt.Caly
I seek one corresponding to exchange in French my native language and English that which I learn. I will be able also helped this person to learn the French. So long. Caly

Language pair: French; English

December 3, 2006

Re:To correspond in English and French !!
Caly Soon,
ca va? j'ai vu ton message. mon nom est lwasont.je voudrais t'aider de parler bien l'anglais. Moi, j'apprends le francais. lis mes anciennes message du 4 decembre et ajoute mon nom. ne m'ecris pas. ecrisant, utilise yaa hoo, bien. tu sais qu'on parle francais (fr), ici. j'attends.
hi, i saw your mmessage. i am lwasont. i would like to help you. i am learning french. you may see my previous messages. i have msn and yaa hoo, u know. but i can't give them.it's french (fr) we learn.so, one may use it to write the second (ya..).in all, i remain lwasont. i await all

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 95541

December 5, 2006

Re:To correspond in English and French !!
Hi my name is inalegwu i speak english very well as it is my native language. I am studying french and would like to improve it. I wish we could do an exchange i would teach u english and u teach me french. I hope we have a deal.

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 95541

December 18, 2006

Re:To correspond in English and French !!
Hi there,
Im interested in learning french so if you get time please write to me.

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 95541
December 18, 2006

Re:Re:To correspond in English and French !!
Hi, my name is Anne. I am from Georgia. I am 20 uears old. I am a student of the faculty of English language and literature. I want to improve my English and also a bit Frebch.

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 96879
December 19, 2006

Re:To correspond in English and French !!
COUCOU je voulais te demmander si il est facile d'échangé avec des personnes étrangères car ce site me parrait bien compliqué..hihi merci de ton aide a bientot!

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 95541

December 19, 2006


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