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Culture/History/Ethnology - I want to learn more about Britain - Language Exchange

Category: Culture/History/Ethnology
Discussion: I want to learn more about Britain

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I want to learn more about Britain
hello, everyone
I am Nicole and I am from Taiwan, and my mother tongue is mandarin
I am an English language and literature student
After finish my university studying, I want to study master in UK
So I want to make some british friends here, and know more about British life^^
My father is from China and my mother is Taiwaness, so if u have any questions about China and Taiwan, or if u ar intersted at chinese culture, welcom to contact to me
Although my major is English, but I also good at Chinese culture, poem or novel and so on
I can speak Chinese, English, Japeness( I learned it for 1 year), and some French
Hope hear from u

p.s.if u live in Cambridge(or Cambridge student) and Paris is perfect,which I most want to visit most~^^~

Language pair: English; English

December 22, 2006

Re:I want to learn more about Britain
Hi Nicole,

I am an American, living in Scotland. It's a great country, and Edinburgh has a lot of Chinese people & shops, I don't know about Cambridge, though. What do you want to learn about British life? I'm not sure how much a forigner like me can help you, but I can try!


Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 97112
January 6, 2007

Re:I want to learn more about Britain
Hi, I live near London, it's a great city but smelly, like most. I don't know much about Taiwan, but London is quite a rough place. You like English literature? I suppose you mean like Shakespear and writers like that? I studying it butI could think of far better books.

I would love to see China! I always think of the pretty and stereotypical images, like England and The Bulldog and Fish and Chips, Bangers and Mash! :D

Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 97112
January 12, 2007


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