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Making Friends - Penpal from Ireland wanted:)! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Penpal from Ireland wanted:)!

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# Message Posted By
Penpal from Ireland wanted:)!
Hi everyone:)!My name is Eva,I'm 20 years old,I'm half greek, half german and living in Munich(studying german,greek and english literaure)!I love the movies(cinema,music)and reading.I want to improve my english, cause I want to go for a year(university exchange-erasmus) to Ireland(that I looooove so much),probably to the University in Maynooth!I would love to meet new english speakingpenpals/friends(from Ireland would be perfect:))male or female, so I can exercise my english!!Please answer if you're intrested(I'm not a goldmember)!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw.:I can help you with your german;)!

Language pair: German; English
January 14, 2007

Re:Penpal from Ireland wanted:)!
Hi Eva,

Although I am looking to learn Norwegian. I would have no problem in teaching you English. I am Irish from Dublin so if you want any info please contact me. I too am not a gold member

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 98877
January 18, 2007

Re:Re:Penpal from Ireland wanted:)!
my Name is Verner from denmark. i think i can learn you a littel Norwish, i dont speek it so good, but it is wery similar to danish, like English and irish, then you know what i meen.

im not a gold member, but we can speek over skype, there my name is ( sub-zi-ni-to )

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 99311

January 24, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Penpal from Ireland wanted:)!

Verner, thanks for your reply. I am aware of Norsk, Danish and Swedish being all quite similar. My husband speaks all!! lucky him but he will not be able to teach me!!. I hope you don't mind me contacting you on your e-mail address. Sorry for the delay in reply I was in Danmark!!.


P.S. I have skype too.

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 99860
February 12, 2007


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