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Hangman Games by Member : Suzanne

Short Description of Suzanne
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Canada
Description: I am a lifelong learner, and have been teaching for 20 years. When I was younger, I decided that I would like to eventually learn 11 languages. I'm hoping to add Mandarin to my list of spoken languages, so I can talk with my students' parents in their native language.Mandarin is also becoming very important in international business.

Click here to view complete profile or to contact Suzanne.

Suzanne's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
How to say thank you in German.
_ _ _k _

2 related games: view
German Popular Expression Coming and Going August 3, 2008
21 votes

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