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Hangman Games by Member : Catrina T.

Short Description of Catrina T.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Sign Language
Country: United States
Description: Hello, I'm Catrina Thomas. I am 15. I'm looking for someone who is another teenager or a young adult to have language exchange mostly through email or maybe through voice chat or phone. If you love anime or manga, that would be nice too. I am learning French and Japanese. I want to one day be a translator. I will be happy to tutor people in English as well. Also, I can chat on the bulletin board as well. You can find me in the books section or new members :). I also have a Verbling account and Paltalk if you're interested in talking with voice chat through that.

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Catrina T.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
I am Kira
_ _i _ _   Y _ _a _ _
Japanese Famous Name or Title Movies / Films November 5, 2012
9 votes
Mangaka name
T _ _ _ _ _i   _ _a _ _
Japanese Famous Name or Title - Other - November 5, 2012
3 votes

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