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Hangman Games by Member : Kenneth A.

Short Description of Kenneth A.
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Philippines
Description: Hi everyone. I am Kenneth from Philippines. You all know that we are also an English speaking country, so I am very happy to help you learn English. I love foreign languages and my focus is Korean (though I am also learning Japanese and Spanish). It will be my pleasure to befriend and help you, regardless of your gender. 안녕 하세요 여러분! 제 이름은 켄네스입니다. 외국 나이로 23살입니다. 한국말 실력을 유창 말하고싶습니다. 만나서 반갑습니다. 한국말 잘해져서 도와주세요. muchas gracias.

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When you want to express your feelings to a Philippine person, you'll say...
Mahal   _ita

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