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Hangman Games by Member : isa

Short Description of isa
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: Korim li Isa living in Germany (near Wiesbaden). I started to learn hebrew (in self-studies) cause I'm very interested in Israel with all its faces - and so, also in the language. And I love the sound of it so much! So, I'd love to get in touch with a native speaker who could help me to improve my poor knowlege. In exchange I could assist you to improve your german, if you like. I'm desperate... so I'd be pleased about EVERY response! :)

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isa's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
_ _ _   _e _ _ _ _ _e   _ _ _ _
German Popular Expression Emotions December 8, 2005
5 votes

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