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Hangman Games by Member : irma

Short Description of irma
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Country: Netherlands
Description: ik ben opzoek naar iemand die mij kan helpen portugees te leren. ik ben zelfs nog niet goed in de basis dus het kan lastig worden. i'm looking for someone who could learn me some portugese. i don't even know the basics to well so it's going to be hard. if you'd like to learn dutch i would be happy to get you started

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irma's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
just like that
o _   di _   fi _t _
Dutch Popular Expression - Other - November 19, 2007
1 votes
when some one is really stupid
p _ _n _ko _k
Dutch Popular Expression Insults / Swearing November 19, 2007
4 votes

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