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Hangman Games by Member : christelle

Short Description of christelle
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: France
Description: Hello; i'm christelle;i'm 24; i live in France and i speak english and french; i'd like to learn hindi and russian because i was born in Russia but i left too young so i can't remember anything about that country and i'm a fan of Bollywood.I don't know any word yet; and i can teach you french.

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christelle's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you're scared you can say
j& _ _2 _ _ _i   _eu _   _ _   f _ _ _e   _an _   _ _   pa _talon

2 related games: view
French Popular Expression Emotions July 8, 2009
16 votes
i miss you
_u   _ _   _an _ _ _s

2 related games: view
French Popular Expression Emotions July 8, 2009
11 votes

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