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Hangman Games by Member : Fabrizio S.

Short Description of Fabrizio S.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: Hi, I'm 37 Italian from Rome and I live in Berlin for a year in Charlottenburg.I would like to improve German dialogue and grammar with native speakers because my level is still too low. I've worked a total of about 20 years in some shops, marketing,IT Web DB BI as teacher, specialist and team leader and currently working as futures, forex and stocks trader. My knowledge of Italian is very good, no dialects, I've scientific, classic and economic culture rather high.I have also many other cultural interests like music, movies and much more. Prefer to meet at my house or a house of others, but not too far from my area. Greetings to all

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One of the most known german movie in Italy
_ _i,   _   _a _ _z _ _   _e _l _   _ _ _   di   _e _l _ _ _
Italian Famous Name or Title Movies / Films November 30, 2009
4 votes
Blade runner
I _   ne   h _   v _ _ _e   _ _ _e   _ _e   v _ _   u _ _n _...

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Italian Famous Quote Movies / Films November 30, 2009
1 votes

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