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Hangman Games by Member : Lisett G.

Short Description of Lisett G.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Venezuela
Description: Hello, I'm Lis. I'm 42 and I'm a Business English teacher and translator. I am always willing to practice my English and would like to meet people interested in learning Spanish for language and culture practice. I love making friends all over the world and learning about their lives and ways. And I love teaching my native language, so send me an e-mail and let's practice. Hope to meet you soon.

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Lisett G.'s newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Cuando eres una persona confiable para mi, 'Eres mi ...'
P _ñó _   d _   G _ _ _ _ _ _a _
Spanish Popular Expression - Other - July 23, 2013
1 votes

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