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Hangman Games by Member : Gloria G.

Short Description of Gloria G.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Brazil
Description: Hello, my name is Gloria, I´m from Honduras (Central America) and since 2007 I live in Brazil. I do research in a university and my hobbies are running, mountain biking, hiking, crocheting, playing the ukulele and baking bread. I speak Spanish, Portuguese, French, English and some German. Next year, 2025, my husband and I, we are planning to visit South East Asia. I am very excited about it; I already started learning some thai and vietnamese using Youtube (Thai) and Duolingo (Vietnamese), but I would like to chat, at least the basics with someone who knows those languages in order to have an immersive experience in both countries. Thanks! PS: I´m not a gold member.

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