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Hangman Games by Member : Claudia

Short Description of Claudia
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: I'm a 16 year old girl who likes the outdoors like hiking and camping, playing Akkordeon, horsebackriding, reading, listening to music and also drawing. I'd like to learn to speak English well and to learn more about the USA, because I want to go there someday. I'd be glad to help you with your German! I also speak other languages. Those of you, who speak old gaelic-like languages or swedish or any other nordic ones, an who wouldn't mind to teach me: pleas contct me! Thx

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Zu jemand, der nie Dinge macht, die nicht erlaubt oder brav sind, sagt man:
& _ _2 _ _ _treber!!!'
German Popular Expression - Other - July 3, 2007
1 votes

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