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Hangman Games by Member : Lucie

Short Description of Lucie
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: France
Description: Hello!I'm Lucie and I study languages:first english,second german, and third italian.I would like so much finding italian penfriend because I dream about touring Italia.I live in France (north)and I am 17 years old and 6 months (very very important the 6 months ^^).I like reading, painting, and being on stage.I love extrem sports and I practise them during the summer.I want my correspondant to become a real friend,because I want speaking a lot! Contact me!!

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Quand on vous promet quelque chose...
_ _   t _ _ _   v _ _ _   m _ _ _x   _ _ _   d _ _x   _ _   _&# _ _ _ _au

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French Proverb Business / Commerce August 4, 2006
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