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Hangman Games by Member : Hill D.

Short Description of Hill D.
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Country: Mexico
Description: I like Engineering and to know people and other cultures. I had the opportunity to be in Japan studying on Resources of Renewable Energy. I would like to go to live to CANADA, and to find my half orange, for that reason I would like to elevate my English and Francais levels. I like to dance the camping, to swim, to climb and in general the sports. That I could carry out like professor in professional degree, and like engineer even on service in the field. J'aime l'Ingénierie et connaître d'autre gens et différentes cultures, j'ai eu l'occasion d'être au Japon étudier sur les Ressources d'Énergie Renouvelable.

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Cuando tu haces algo, o una activaidad de manera correcta y bien, te puden albar diciendo.....
B _ _ _   Tr _ _ _j _!

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Spanish Popular Expression Emotions November 25, 2006
9 votes

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