Hangman Game Feedback

When a girl/boyfreind ends a relationship you say
There are plenty more fish in the sea.
1. a creature that lives in water
2. an great area of open water
3. a multitude of things
When a person finds themself alone after a relationship, you would say there are plenty more fish in the sea, to say there are plenty more people available to have another relationship with.

English > Popular Expressions > Family / Relatives

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 4.5
# of votes 16
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Total found: 16 !
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Reviewer Comments
Alexis B.
(native speaker)
Rating: 3 July 14, 2008
Instead of "There are plenty more fish in the sea.", in English we say "There are more fish in the sea"
Fatma A.
Rating: 3 February 28, 2008
Instead of "There are plenty more fish in the sea.", in Arabic, Middle Eastern we say "بدل الواحد ألف"
Rating: 5 December 16, 2007
Instead of "There are plenty more fish in the sea.", in French we say "un de perdu, dix de retrouvés"
Discussion contains 1 messages. view all
Anna M.
Rating: 5 October 19, 2007
Instead of "There are plenty more fish in the sea.", in German we say "Auch andere Mütter haben schöne Kinder."
Rating: 5 September 27, 2007
Instead of "There are plenty more fish in the sea.", in German we say "Andere Väter haben auch schöne Töchter.."
Rating: 5 September 26, 2007
Instead of "There are plenty more fish in the sea.", in French we say "Un de perdu dix de retrouvé"
Total found: 16 !
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