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Hangman Game Feedback

You are stupid
tu eres un bendeja
Spanish > Popular Expression > Insults / Swearing

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 3.2
# of votes 8
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Reviewer Comments
Rating: 5 April 5, 2012
I thought it was pendeja?
Instead of "tu eres un bendeja", in English we say "You are stupid. Or you are a stupid ass."
Jay N.
Rating: 2 January 2, 2012
Bendeja? Yo creo que pendejo/pendeja es verdad.
Instead of "tu eres un bendeja", in Spanish we say "Tu eres estupido. Tu eres un pendeja."
Rating: 3 December 22, 2009
Instead of "tu eres un bendeja", in French we say "tu es une fille stupide"
Josue V.
(native speaker)
Rating: 2 August 28, 2009
se escribe "Pendeja" y si te refieres a una mujer, se ecribe "una", no "un"
Instead of "tu eres un bendeja", in Spanish we say "Tu eres una Pendeja"
James T.
Rating: 3 May 9, 2009
Se tipo de fácil - He visto que escriben diferente.
Rating: 4 April 28, 2008
Instead of "tu eres un bendeja", in English we say "you're an idiot, you're stupid, etc."
Rating: 3 April 10, 2008
Someone told me it was pendeja. Maybe that might be how its spelled in another country, but I really wouldn't know.
Julie M.
Rating: 4 March 6, 2008
Instead of "tu eres un bendeja", in English we say "You are stupid"

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