Learn Basque online by practicing with a native speaker who is learning your language.
Write or speak Basque online to improve grammar or conversation.
A language exchange complements other forms of learning such as classroom,
cultural immersion and multimedia, because you get to practice
all that you have learned
with native speakers in a safe and supportive environment.
The Basics
What is a language exchange?
Why do a language exchange?
How to do a language exchange?
Sign up now - add your free profile!
Advantages of language exchange learning include:
- Learning the real Basque language (slang, expressions, etc.) used by ordinary native speakers
- Getting accustomed to the way native speakers speak in real (casual) Basque conversation
- Making a friend in the Basque-speaking culture.
Language exchange learning is also inexpensive because we provide free tips and conversation lesson plans
that allow you to do a language exchange on your own.
For more advantages, please see why do a language exchange.
What You Can Do Here
Here at MyLanguageExchange.com, you can
- Find Basque-speaking language exchange partners.
- Practice your Basque by writing emails (pen pals).
- Practice written conversation using text chat.
- Practice speaking using voice chat.
We provide free, helpful guidelines and tips on how to do a language exchange,
as well as free
lesson plans designed by an expert in
language exchange learning. The activities are fun so you can easily "break the ice" with your
new learning partner and get effective practice.
In short, you have everything you need to practice and learn Basque via a language exchange.
Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat?
The type of exchange that is right for you depends on your proficiency level in Basque
and your learning goals. Find out which
type of language exchange is right for you.
Before Practicing
Before you begin practicing, please read the free guideline, How To Do A Language Exchange
for hints on doing an effective language exchange.
Find a Partner Now
Find a Basque language exchange partner
now, and have fun!
Click here for advanced search.
MyLanguageExchange.com is doing "extraordinary things online."
"Our level of knowledge has increased a lot. You made my dream come true."
- Juan José Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
Read entire testimonial
Our Newest Basque-speaking Members
Here are 20 of our most recent Basque-speaking members that could become your partner.
To view all registered Basque native speakers, please click here. Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name | Country (City) | Native Language | Practicing Language | Description |
I'm Metxu and my age is 57. I am a Basque philologist who has been studying English for several years in order to keep up my English skills and hopefully, improve them! You know... 'use it or lose it!'
I am trying to get more input by.....
English |
Arabic, Middle Eastern |
I want to improve my fluency in English for my future and learn a bit of Arabic.
Hola, estoy interesada en poner en practica y mejorar el ingles que aprendí, sobre todo hablado. Tambien estoy interesada en el italiano. Emakume euskalduna naiz
English |
Gaelic (Irish) |
German |
Aupa! Solasa euskaraz eskaintzen dut, gaelikoz, alemanez edota ingelesez mintzatzearen truke, zer iruditzen zaizu? Espainolez ere badakit./Buenas, intercambio de conversación en euskera o en español a cambio de Gaeilge (Irlanda), alemán o inglés. Pam.....
I am looking for someone to practice my English. I have to practice my English more because I need to improve this language. My level is elementary.
Also, I am looking to fine English teacher. I would like to learn English with English tea.....
Hi! I’m Asier, I live in the north of Spain and my native languages are Spanish and Basque. In September I started learning English again, after 20 years. I’m still at level A2/B1.
I would like to exchange moments of practicing English to improve i.....
French |
German |
Portuguese |
Italian |
Je m'appelle Iranzu, j'habite à Bilbao et je voudrais trouver des correspondant(e) s pour discuter, histoire d'essayer de ne pas oublier le francais que tellement d'efforts m'a coûté d'apprendre. Toujours prête à .....
(Tudela de Navarra)
Hi everyone, I'm working as GP in Spain (Navarra) Could you help me with my English?? I am ready for an exchange by skype and a face to face exchange enjoying a cafe or a beer as well.You can find me as iparaize in skipe. I would help you with .....
Japanese |
English |
German |
Dutch |
En effet, l'ouverture au monde se fait également par l'approche culturelle de la langue ! Grâce à cette langue, on appréhende une nouvelle façon de réfléchir, on apprend une autre manière de vivre, on découvre d'autres habitudes, une a.....
Hi! My name is Xabi. I am from Bilbo and I would like to practice English for refreshing it while I help you with your Basque.
(Donostia / San Sebastián)
Bonjour, je voudrais bien de pouvoir parler en espagnole et francaise pour ameillorer la comprension de la languaje oral.
A bien tot!
Kaixo, Euskal Herrian bizi naiz, euskal hiztuna naiz eta euskeraz ikasi nahi duenarekin euskeraz gustora hitz egingo nuke. And also I would like to speak english in order to improve my communication
(Donostia San Sebastián)
Me fascinan los idiomas, vivos y muertos, y en este momento me gustaría practicar el francés en Donosti.
I'm Pilar, a technical drawing teacher. Trying not to forget the English that I learnt in the school.
I'm not a gold member but I would also like to help anyone with Spanish if they wish.
I speak beginner-plus to intermediate-min us norsk and would like to improve it by speaking and listening.
I'd appreciate a patient partner for practicing.
Frantsesa ikasten ari naiz, baina nire maila oso bajua da oraindik
Hola! Bonjour! Je m’appelle Xabier et mes langues maternelles sont l’espagnol et le basque.
Je cherche un tandem pour pratiquer le français. Actuellement je suivre un cours de niveau B1.
À propos de moi : rationaliste contradictoire avec des envie.....
English |
Russian |
German |
French |
My name is Beatriz, born in the north of Spain. I am clinical psychologist, specialised in psychoanalysis and cognitive neuroscience. I love nature, literature and poetry, classical music, piano, medicine...
A t present, I would like to .....
Hola, me llamo Xabier, tengo 57 años y soy de Donostia (San Sebastian). Empecé a aprender frances por que me hacía falta en mi trabajo, pero me gusta aprender idiomas y ampliar mi conocimiento de otras culturas. Me gusta hablar de todo tipo de temas......
Ireland (Republic of)
(Cork city)
My name, Jon is pronounced deeone/dïone. Some might think my name is Scandinavian, but not at all, I'm actually from the Basque Country. I've lived in various parts of the world, so I feel at home almost anywhere. I’m sporty (hiking, .....
Click here to view all Basque-speaking members.
Click here for advanced search.
Basque Lessons
Need formal Basque lessons or classes?
Find an online Basque teacher or tutor at our teachers section.
Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully."
..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up.
Thank you for everything."
- John C., New York, United States
"It has been a great experience for me so far."
..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."
- United States
..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll
recommend it to everyone I know.
- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.
..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites
de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup.
Continuer votre beau travail."
- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada
"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other
students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the
future as a teacher. Thanks."
- United States
..."finally something useful on the Internet."
- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.
Read the full testimonials