在网路, 通過与母語人士而又在學習您的語言的人士交流來學習手勢語. 通過寫作或對話來增強您的手勢語語法以及會話能力.
語言交換補足了其它的學習形式, 諸如: 課堂, 文化沉浸以及多媒体, 因為您一定要把所有您所學到的与母語人士在安全而互助的環境下練習.
- 學習普通母語人士使用的真正手勢語(俚語,表達,等等)
- 習慣母語人士在真實手勢語(隨意)對話中的講話方式
- 結交來自手勢語文化的朋友
語言交換學習不需要花很多錢, 因為我們提供免費的指導以及對話課程計划給您, 這樣您就可以自己開展語言交換了.
了解更多优點, 請見為什么進行語言交換.
在MyLanguageExchange.com, 您可以
- 找到說手勢語的交換伙伴
- 通過Email交流練習手勢語(筆友)
- 通過文字聊天練習對話
- 通過語音聊天練習听說
我們提供免費, 有用的指導和技巧幫助您了解如何進行語言交換, 而且還提供由語言交換專家設計的免費課程計划. 內容十分有趣可以讓您和新的學習伙伴很容易進入并獲得有效的練習.
簡單地說, 通過語言交換您就有了所有您需要的手段來練習和學習手勢語.
Email, 文字聊天或語音聊天?
至于哪一种交換方式适合您, 取決于您的手勢語程度以及您的學習目標. 來看看哪一种交換方式對您最合适.
在您開始練習之前, 請閱讀免費的指導如何進行語言交換來了解如何有效地進行語言交換.
MyLanguageExchange.com "正在网路上做一件不平凡的事."
"我們的知識水平得到很大的提高. 你們讓我們夢想成真."
- Juan Jose Guerrero, Seville (西班牙)
這里列出了最近加入的母語為手勢語的會員, 他們可以成為您的伙伴. 想查看所有母語為手勢語的已注冊會員, 請點擊這里. 逐個點擊名字了解更多詳情或者聯系這位會員.
名字 | 國家 (City) | ? 語 | 練習 語? | 描述 |
Hi. I'm an American who's recently started learning Russian. I have only had the chance to to exchange a few words with native speakers for work. I'm still an A1 in Russian, but I would be happy to help you on your english even if you&.....
Hi there, I'm a deaf guy and I'm more than happy to help anybody practice ASL. Not a gold member.
I find languages very interesting, including the culture that comes with it. I am currently studying Japanese on my own and will soon be study it at a university but I am very much a beginner. My goal is to become fluent and make friends along the wa.....
Konnichiwa! I'm a Deaf person passionate about language and culture. As a native American Sign Language (ASL) user, I'm excited to embark on a journey learning Japanese - both written Japanese and Japanese Sign Language (JSL)!
I'd lov.....
I am deaf and have some speech but mostly Sign Language. I have been trying to learn Latin on my own, but would like to have a language partner. I work weekdays, but am available in the early to late evenings and on weekends.
Hi! I'm here for language exchange. I want to learn the languages of Europe because I'm obsessed with Europe and want to move there in the future.
Hello :)こんにちは
I'm Japanese.
I want to study English.
I'd like to make to new friends in all over the world.
Let's enjoy study :)
Hi everyone, my name is Dani. I'm a teacher in three fields; Early Childhood Special Education, Elementary Education, and Deaf Education. I'm currently working on my PhD which focuses on the language acquisition of young deaf children. .....
I was born in the United State but my family is from Chihuahua, Mexico. Por eso, tengo que aprender y mejorar a mi Español.
I'm fluent in English, my first language. I'm also fluent in American Sign Language but it is *not* my first langu.....
Hello, my name is Lala. I am looking for friends to share and exchange cultures! Some of my favorite things to do are listening to music, watching movies, reading, running, drawing, and more. I'd like to get help with expanding my knowledge in l.....
My father is Syrian, so I want to go to Syria to learn more about my heritage. I want to practice my Arabic before going.
Recently started learning about the Korean culture and language. Big kbl fan.
波斯語(法爾西語,達里語,哈扎拉語) |
西班牙語 |
意大利語 |
I would like to help someone practice their English.
I speak quite a bit of Dari and Farsi and understand some Spanish and Italian
안녕하세요, 저는 한국 친구가 많지 않습니다. 나는 우정을 찾고 있습니다.
My name is Frankie and I am a polyglot who currently speaks 4 languages. Im currently learning Thai and I live in Thailand. Let's communicate and help each other improve.
("England is my city")
My name is Ella and I'm 31 years old. I live in the United States, but my family immigrated from Finland. I would love to reconnect with my Finnish heritage and I'm eager to learn the language. My dream is to one day visit where my family o.....
Hello! Thank you for visiting my profile.
I am Japanese deaf and currently working for an international company in Tokyo.
I want to learn signs from all over the world, especially AUSLAN [Australia Sign language].
My hobby include traveling, and .....
I studied Russian at university and spent a semester in Yaroslavl, Russia but I haven't used it much since graduating. I'd like to find a conversation partner so I can brush up on my skills and of course learn even more! In exch.....
Me gustaría practicar inglés con una persona nativa. A cambio podemos hablar en español, gallego o lengua de signos española. Soy intérprete de lengua de signos en educación ( colegios, institutos, etc). En mi tiempo libre me gusta practicar deporte,.....
"我的語言交換進行的非常棒"-"我們對語言交換滿意之极. 感謝你們建立的一切, 感謝你們所做的一切."
- John C., 美國紐約
"這是我第一喜歡的网頁. 謝謝."
- 美國
..."我一直使用你們的网頁練習法語, 我會把這個网站推荐給我認識的每一個人."
- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL教師, 美國
..."我花了大約一個多月的時間才找到一個合我的口味的网站. 真心的祝賀并謝謝你們. 請繼續這個美好的事業."
- Paskoila, 加拿大魁北克 St- Jean
"我把你們的网頁推荐給了我的西班牙語老師以及其他的學生. 我覺得是個好主意.
"-"以后成為教師我會更多的利用它. 謝謝."
- 美國
- Niel Smith, 美國加州硅谷