名字 | 国家 (城市) | 母 语 | 练习 语言 | 描述 |
Hi :) My name is Hazuki and I'm 23 years old. I’m learning English (especially British English) as a native Japanese speaker.
I'm looking forward to seeing someone to improve our target languages through sharing our daily lives with. Pl.....
Hi! I’m Saya
I’d like to improve my speaking skill.
If there is someone who want to improve your Japanese, please let me know
I’m not gold member..sorry
I wanna make friends !
I like running, drawing, reading…sharing experiences with each oth.....
こんにちは!私は英語を勉強していま す!
旅行をきっかけに様々な国の 人と交流を持ちたいと思いました。
日本が好きな方、日本語を勉強して いる方、是非友達になりましょう!
Hello! I am studying English!
I wanted to have an interaction with people from various countries triggered by travel.
If you like Japan or are .....
konnichiwa こんにちは, I am a native Japanese speaker. I have interest in various culture and languages. It will be nice to talk about Japan. Please feel free to contact me. If you need assistance in Japanese, you can tell me.
Thank you. どうぞよろしく。
I'm living in Osaka and work in a patent firm.
I would like to do language exchange and make and meet new friends.
I'm learning English, French and Korea.
I use English sometimes for my work, so I want to improve my English more.
I can .....
Hello! I'm Toshiya, and I live in Japan. I'm looking to improve my English skills. I'd like to connect with people from around the world, and exchange languages, and learn about different cultures. I work as a Japanese teacher for non-.....
*I'm a gold member. Feel free to message me.
*I'm looking for both English and French speakers! Je cherche aussi un partenaire français!
(En glish - Please see bellow for French)
Hi, my name is Teruki and I'm a Japanese native spe.....
Hi! My name is Itsuki and I’m originally from Japan. I’ve been studying English for moving to the United States! I love learning about different cultures and accents.
A little about me: I enjoy reading books, watching movies and having conversati.....
my purpose is learning different culture. I can read and speak in English, but not so fluent.
If you speak like a longman dictionary, probably I can understand well.
If you speak slang etc, perhaps I could not understand well.
On Japanese learni.....
Hi. I'm Kanae from Japan.
I like connecting with people so I'm here :)
Little introduction of myself;
I'm 32 year-old Japanese who loves a lot of things ( such as meeting new people and culture, nature, cooking, eating delicious f.....
Hello, my name is Eunice from Japan. I’m a university student. My mother tongue is Japanese, and currently I’m learning English. I’m looking for friends to chat about daily things or something with me, especially people nearly the same age. My hobbie.....
Hi there! I am Sakura from Japan. I am looking for some new friends and language exchange partners. My hobbies are photo, reading and movies. Animal lover.
Hej! Jag heter Sakura och lär mig svenska
och engelska på min fritid. Varit i Sverige
Bonjour. Je recherche quelqu'un pour m'apprendre le français. Grâce à l'échange linguistique, j'aimerais parler des cultures, de l'histoire et de l'actualité de nos pays respectifs.
I am studying Chinese and Korean on my own.
I am still immature
Please tell me what I don't understand
Thank you.
한국어를 독학으로 공부합니다
아직 능력이 미숙합니다
모르는 것을 가르쳐 주세요
I’ve been studying English myself for 4 years to use it for my job. My job requires English. I usually communicate with my colleagues by email and chat but it’s not easy for me to speak English in person. I feel embarrassed about my poor pronunciatio.... .
Hi I’m from Japan. I am looking for new friends who could communicate via chat or meeting in person. I have been practicing English especially in speaking. That would be nice if you also live in Japan.
Thank you!
I'm learning English now. But I don't have foreign friend !!
And I want to know foreign countries!I want to be a good English speaker!
I like reading, eating, cycling, climbing, music, manga, anime and rabbit!.
I'm learning English and German. I can read both of them to some extent, but I'm not very good at writing and speaking.
And then I'm interes.....
我是一个中国人,但是我生活在日本已 经有快20年了,所以我会说中文,也 会说日语。我喜欢音乐、读书,电影, 还有cycling 。
想要学习英文是因为我喜欢学习外语 ,而英语是一门应用非常广泛的语言, 通过学习它,我可以开阔视野,并且学 到更多的知识。我现在的工作也需要用 到英文,所以好的英语可以提高我的工 作质量。
初めまして、日本に 20年近く住んでいる中国人です、趣 味は音楽、読書、映画鑑賞、サイクリ ングです。
英語を学びたいのは、 外国語を学ぶのが好きで、英語はとて も広く.....