So lernst du Cebuano (Bisaya) über einen Online Sprachaustausch : E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

So lernst du Cebuano (Bisaya) über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

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So lernst du Cebuano (Bisaya) über einen Online Sprachaustausch

E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat?

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
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Welche Art von Sprachaustausch?

Solltest du besser über E-mail, Text oder Voice Chat üben? Das hängt von deinem Cebuano (Bisaya) und von deinen Lernzielen ab.

(Pen Pals)
Dies ist eine praktische Art und Weise, einen Sprachaustausch zu gestalten. Er ist für Lernende aller Kenntnisstufen geeignet. Du kannst dir Zeit nehmen, um Wörterbücher und andere Ressourcen zu benutzen, um so dein Schreiben oder deine Grammatik zu verbessern. Hier erhältst du Tips, wie du einen Sprachaustausch mit deinen Brieffreunden gestalten kannst.
Text Chat: Der Text Chat ist geeignet für mäßig bis weiter fortgeschrittene Lernende. Hier kannst du sehen, wer gerade im Text Chat ist.
Voice Chat: Diese Art wird fortgeschrittenen bzw. weit fortgeschrittenen Schülern empfohlen, die ihr Sprechen, ihre Aussprache und ihr Hörverständnis verbessern wollen. Mit dem simultanen Text Chat, der in den Voice Chat Räumen angeboten wird, kann man Vokabeln einfacher erklären. Hier erhältst du Zugang zum kostenlosen Voice Chat Programm in exzellenter Tonqualität.

Nuestros miembros hablantes de Cebuano (Bisaya) más nuevos

Aquí están 20 de nuestros miembros hablantes de Cebuano (Bisaya) más recientes. Ellos podrían ser sus compañeros.
Para ver todos los hablantes nativos de Cebuano (Bisaya) registrados, por favor haga clic aquí
Haga clic sobre un nombre para obtener más información o para contactarse con el miembro.
Nombre País
que practica

person Max
March 6, 2025
(Dumaguete City)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Chinesisch, Mandarin
Hello! I’m Maxmilian from Dumaguete City,Philippines . where the hearts are warm and the beaches are even warmer. I’m a book-loving, volleyball-playi ng, Latin music fan currently tackling Spanish, Russian, and a bit of Mandarin. Why all three? Because..... translate

person Elaine
March 6, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Hi there! I'm Elaine. I am currently teaching English to Japanese students. I am looking for someone who could help me learn basic Japanese to communicate better with my beginner students. I am also interested in learning Spanish and Korean. In..... translate

person Zee
March 5, 2025
USA (Vereinigte Staaten, amerika)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Chinesisch, Mandarin
I love learning about other people’s culture and that’s why I’m learning the 2 major languages in the world. I’m a college student who loves to travel. I went to Mexico for a month and been learning Spanish since. Mandarin is something new I’m learni..... translate

person Daisy
March 5, 2025
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hello! I would like to learn Spanish in exchange for teaching basic English grammar. Additionally, I am also willing to teach Filipino, in case you want to visit the Philippines. This way, you will have a little understanding of the language. Pleas ..... translate

person Merrell
March 5, 2025
(Cagayan de Oro)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hi, I'm Merrell. Born and raised in the Philippines. I speak both Filipino and Bisaya. I graduated with a degree in Education, major in English, but I want to improve my English speaking skills and communicate like a native speaker since I'..... translate

person Leng
March 4, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Filipino (Tagalog)
本名はアイリスだけどレングと呼んで もいいです。ミンダナオ国際大学とい う学校で卒業した。四年間ぐらい日本 語を勉強したけど、十分ない。オフィ スで全員フィリピン人から、日本語を 使用する必要がない。日本語を練習し たいので、誰か日本語を教えて下さい 。宜しくお願いいたします。 My real name is Iris but my friends call me Leng. I studied Jap. Lang. and Studies for 4 yrs in Mindanao Kokusai D..... translate

person Jessa
March 4, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
I am a beginner on german language currently Studying the A1 level. Im looking for someone who can teach me master the german language. Im not a Gold member here but you can find me on Facebook -Jessa Aquino- wearing pink winter jacket. translate

person Elliot
March 2, 2025
USA (Vereinigte Staaten, amerika)
(New York)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
- Andere -
Chinesisch, Mandarin
Hello, I currently work in the medical field in Lower Manhattan and encounter a variety of languages day to day. I'm hoping to use this medium to further introduce myself to languages. It will be a pleasure to meet you. -Elliot translate

person Kyla
March 2, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Namaste :) My name is Kyla and I am from the Philippines. I would love to have friends all over the world who can teach me their spoken language and I would also teach them Cebuano(Bisaya), Tagalog(Filipino ) and English. I don't really prefer..... translate

person @flourishing
March 2, 2025
(Cebu city)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
My IG is my username :3 Hi there! You may call me Hana! I'm interested in reading, photography, online gaming (genshin impact, project sekai, hsr, etc.), writing, playing the piano, and learning languages! I am willing to help you learn Engli..... translate

person Sheinna
March 2, 2025
(Davao City)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hola! Hi :) I’m Sheinna Amour, an introvert so please bear with me. I wanted to make friends, learn Spanish, and improve my English. Thank you! translate

person Arwen
March 1, 2025
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Gälisch, Schottisch
I like learning about other cultures. I'm particularly fond of literature, movies, and series from other countries. It would be nice to talk to speakers of these languages. translate

person Ten
March 1, 2025
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Bahasa Malaysisch
Hi, I am a Filipino and seeking someone to help me learn Malay, I am good in English too and if you are interested I can help you learn the Filipino language. I am quite the introvert type so expect me not to know how to open the conversation smoothl..... translate

person ivy
February 28, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Filipino (Tagalog)
hello everyone, hope you are doing well :) I want to improve and retain my German Language knowledge, and would love to build new friendship too, thus knowing the what abouts and hobbies in your life :) translate

person Mae
February 26, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
I can speak little japanese and I want to learn more about the language,I really like Japan,the people and the culture.I have lived Japan for a year. I hope we can exchange language and help each other. I can also speak English and Cebuano. Im not a ..... translate

person Ley Franz
February 24, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hi, I'm Ley Franz! I'm from the Philippines. I want to be confident in speaking English. translate

person Suey
February 23, 2025
(Davao del Sur)
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Yo, I'm Suey 2 years old. I would like to find friends who can help me learn japanese more as i am currently reviewing by myself. I can also teach you english, tagalog or cebuano (bisaya) in exchange.🙂 translate

person Mark
February 19, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hi, I'm Mark from Philippines. I'm here to improve my English, so if you're interested to learn my language, let's work together! translate

person Jeannie
February 15, 2025
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hi my name is Jean. I'm proficient in English and Tagalog, Cebuano. I want to improve my German language skills for career advancement. I like reading, and nature adventures translate

person Jade
February 15, 2025
Filipino (Tagalog)
Cebuano (Bisaya)
Hello, I just started learning Thai. Not really, familiar with anything yet. I'm just learning through Youtube videos lol translate

Haga clic aquí para ver todos los miembros hablantes de Cebuano (Bisaya).
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Zurück zu Cebuano (Bisaya) lernen Home

Lo fundamental
¿Qué es un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Por qué realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
¿Cómo realizar un intercambio de idiomas?
Suscríbase ahora - ¡agrege su perfil gratis!

Como lo muestra...
La revista Yahoo! Internet Life

Testimonios de los miembros
"Mi intercambio de idiomas está funcionando de maravillas." ..."Estamos más que contentos con el intercambio. Gracias por organizarlo todo. Gracias por todo."

- John C., Nueva York, Estados Unidos

"Ha sido una gran experiencia para mí hasta ahora." ..."éste es el sitio n°1 entre mis favoritos. Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."Usaré su sitio para practicar francés y se lo recomiendo a todos los que conozco.

- Katerina Vallianatos, profesora de inglés como segunda lengua, EE.UU.

..."Estuve buscando alrededor de un mes un sitio de este tipo sin encontrar ninguno que me gustara. Felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias. Continúen trabajando así."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canadá

"Recomiendo su sitio a mis profesores de español y a otros estudiantes.  ¡Creo que es una gran idea!"  ..."Lo usaré más en el futuro como profesor.  Gracias."

- Estados Unidos

..."al fin algo útil en Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, EE.UU.

Lea los testimonios completos


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