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Word Match Games - Lessons

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adjective-(1) 〜い
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Japanese - English Beginner R View all
September 16, 2024
Animals! どうぶつ!
Match the Hiragana/Romanji and English name for each animal!
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Japanese - English Beginner Sonia B. View all
October 26, 2015
Match the animals up to the Japanese/English word. Good luck
gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star - 2 reviews
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English - Japanese All levels Lola View all
November 8, 2014
Baby animals
Do you know your baby animals?
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English - Japanese Beginner ML View all
January 17, 2017
Baby animals
Do you know your baby animals?
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English - Japanese Beginner ML View all
January 17, 2017
Basic Beginnings of Japanese
Learn some of the very basic greetings and polite phrases in Japanese.
gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star - 3 reviews
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English - Japanese Beginner Aketsu N. View all
January 20, 2015
Basic Expressions 基本的な表現
This is meant to teach you basic expressions. これは基本的な表現を教えるためのものです。
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English - Japanese Beginner Kat View all
June 26, 2020
Beginner's Greetings!
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English - Japanese Beginner Mariah View all
July 9, 2015
Match 'em up! いこう!
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English - Japanese Beginner Emily J. View all
December 3, 2016
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English - Japanese Beginner John B. View all
May 29, 2017
Total found: 80 !
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