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Word Match Games - Lessons

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Title Languages Level Created by
Quanto vale seu carro? How much is your car?
Quanto vale seu carro? Para responder essa questão é preciso saber: Se desejar conversar em portugues pode me contactar
gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star - 1 review
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Portuguese - English Beginner HELIO B. View all
August 11, 2016
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Portuguese - English Beginner valdir J. View all
May 22, 2016
oi tudo bem? eu sou o carlos
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Portuguese - English Beginner Carlosalvares A. View all
January 22, 2016
Personal Pronouns/Pronomes Pessoais
As in english, in portuguese we have three
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English - Portuguese Beginner Thiago View all
January 14, 2016
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Portuguese - English Beginner leonardo View all
January 13, 2016
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Portuguese - English Beginner leonardo View all
January 13, 2016
quero ser tecnico em eletro eletroeletronica
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Portuguese - English Advanced/Intermediate leonardo View all
January 13, 2016
Você trabalha com o quê?
What's your occupation?
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Portuguese - English Beginner Lazaro View all
November 4, 2015
sayng :what do you do
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Portuguese - English Beginner Renata T. View all
September 18, 2015
Total found: 30 !
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