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Word Match Games - Lessons

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Total found: 30 !
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Portuguese - English Beginner Bruna M. View all
March 29, 2015
Saying ''Bye'' em portuguese.
In portuguese we can say:
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Portuguese - English Beginner João P. View all
June 28, 2019
saying hello
pratict your portuguese with me I want learn english
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Portuguese - English Beginner/Intermediate Matheus S. View all
July 21, 2016
sayng :what do you do
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Portuguese - English Beginner Renata T. View all
September 18, 2015
I really want to learn English
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Portuguese - English Beginner Weslei L. View all
October 2, 2016
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English - Portuguese All levels Leonardo R. View all
September 23, 2018
Você trabalha com o quê?
What's your occupation?
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Portuguese - English Beginner Lazaro View all
November 4, 2015
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Portuguese - English Beginner leonardo View all
January 13, 2016
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Portuguese - English Beginner leonardo View all
January 13, 2016
Total found: 30 !
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