French/English Vocabulary match

Match the French word with the English word

By: Kimberly M.

gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star - 1 review

French English
bonjour hello, good morning
bonsoir hello, good evening
salut hi/hey (informal)
Comment t'appelles-tu? What's your name? (informal, talking to only 1 person)
Comment vous appelez-vous? What's your name? (formal, talking to 2+ people)
Je m'appelle ________ My name is ________
Comment ça va? How's it going?
Comment vas-tu? How are you doing? (informal, talking to only 1 person)
Comment allez-vous? How are you doing? (formal, talking to 2+ people)
très bien/ça va (bien) very well/it's going (well)
et toi? and you? (informal)
et vous? and you? (formal, talking to 2+ people)

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