Nombre | País (Ciudad) | Idioma nativo | Idioma que practica | Descripción |
United States
My name is Rhema Hooper and I am from Southern California, USA! My primary languages are English and עברית but I am currently self-teaching myself Persian so that I can have more conversations with my Iranian friends and colleagues! :)
United States
Hello! My name is Sam-- I've always loved learning about different cultures and find language to be quite fascinating. I studied English and writing in school, and love talking about language, grammar, and writing.
United States
I really like reading, and that is one of my main motivations for learning mandarin! I also love learning cultural and metaphor differences. I just love learning different things overall, so please share things with me!!
United States
J'ai 21 ans et je suis Botswanais mais j'habite aux Etats-Unis. J'aime jouer aux echecs, j'aime liren des romans surtout lesqeuls classique comme Pride and Prejudice. Je suis une ecrivaine, j'ai une blog chretienne, qui ja'i cree en 2021 par la grace de Dieu.J'aime Jesus beacoup et j'espere que je vais trouver des gens qui peut m'aider a ameliorer mon f... See more
United States
(Bethlehem, PA)
I have been learning Spanish as a hobby for several years. I want to be able to speak fluently. I am 33 years old and live in Bethlehem, PA, USA.
Llevo algunos años estudiando español. Es un pasatiempo. Me gustaria hablar con fluidez. Tengo 33 años y vivo en Bethlehem, PA, EEUU.
United States
I love learning languages and Italian is one language I truly want to perfect. I love the Italian language and culture.
United States
I am an author and going to school for my psychology degree. I am half russian and want to get in more contact with my culture and language.
United States
Hey! My name's Nicole and I live in America. I plan to study abroad in Tokyo, Japan, so I've been teaching myself Japanese through the internet, but I thought it would be fun to communicate with someone across the world for friends, and experience! I enjoy music, cats, drawing, singing, and exploring!
United States
Hallo, ich heisse Tom. Ich bin 31 Jahre alt und komme aus Philadelphia (in den USA). Ich möchte Umgangsdeutsch üben, und ich würde gerne irgendeinmal flüssig Deutsch sprechen können. Ich hoffe, dass ich Dir/Ihnen mit der englischen Sprache helfen kann!
United States
I am very interested in the native trees of China but our American internet does not include much information.