Nombre | País (Ciudad) | Idioma nativo | Idioma que practica | Descripción |
(Wiener Neustadt)
My name is Dávid. I am a Hungarian in his thirties who lives in Austria. Additionally to my native tongue I am fluent in German and English. My daily works requires me to handle technical and financial topics in both languages.
Currently I am interested mainly in practicing two languages: Norwegian and Japanese. For each of these I am looking forward to hearing from people who are interested in... See more
Ich lerne gerne Sprachen, reise gern. Und Südamerika ist meine Traumdestination, deshalb will ich mein spanisch verbessern.
Hey everyone, I'm Nina from Austria, 18. I learnt english and french at school but never had any practice. I also do some spanish with Duolingo. I'm totally interested in studying abroad or later even work internationally. I'm pretty interested in learning about other cultures and have some exchange on whatever. I love to read, cook and dance, play the piano and sing in choirs, love... See more
Hi! I am learning german and I have a B1.2 level and I would love to practice my speaking and learning new vocabulary.
Hallo! Ich bin Carmen, 18 Jahre alt, studiere Medizin und würde gerne mein Spanisch und/oder Englisch verbessern. Zudem bin ich daran interessiert, andere Kulturen kennen zu lernen und Freunde aus anderen Ländern zu finden. Ich spiele Gitarre, verreisen gerne und bin gerne draußen, um zu Campen, zu wandern oder mit meinem Hund spazieren zu gehen. Ich freue mich, wenn du mir schreibst.
¡Hola! Soy ... See more
Hey! I am a mother of one and I am a little bit conserend about the school system in my country and therefore want to be able to help my kid study english! But unfortunetly my grammar is the worse! (as you can see!!)
My hobbies are reading, listening to podcast and trying to raise my kid screen free. I am also a Christian and like to spend my time in the nature.
Hi! My name is Karin and I'm from Austria. I would like to improve my English and to meet new openminded and friendly people.
In my freetime I like to be in my garden, to travel and to be togehter with my friends.
Hii I am a student at the University of Arts in Vienna. I am studying English and I am looking for someone who can speak English with me! :)
I am a native Japanese speaker and can help those who want to study Japanese!
Hallo! Mein Name ist Christian und ich wohne im Süden von Wien/Österreich. Ich wünsche mir den Kontakt mit frankophonen Menschen hier im Forum, um die Sprache zu intensivieren. Bis hoffentlich bald :-). Liebe Grüße, Christian - insta: chrisengl1980
PS je suis à Aix-En-Provence à partir de 2. Juin 2025 jusqu'à 27.6. et je suis ravi de faire ta connaissance - je parle aussi anglais 😉
Hello, my name is Peter. i´m 50 years old and i live in Vienna (Austria) and i would to improve my english. My english level is between B1 and B2. I have much interrests, art, music, delicious meals/kocking, technology and many more.I´m looking forward to impove m english with you and can help you to improve your german.We could lern with skype, face to face. It isn´t a problem when you are a begi... See more