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Teacher Name:
santiago bartivas
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March 27, 2006
Student Feedback:
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
london, england
Country: |
England |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone
Teaching approach: |
The lessons are tailored to your needs to further develop communicative skills(profes sional and formaol correspondenc e presentation and interview) and want to understand contemporary social and cultural issues in sapanish.You will have achieve a higher level of fluency and accuarcy of the language and you nwill be able to hold more complex conversations and be able to survive longer periods in spanish speaking countries |
Teacher Name:
Ana Fernandez
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March 21, 2006
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Clemson, SC
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Aparicio Jorge
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March 19, 2006
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Chandler, Arizona
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Specifically, I have designed industry-spec ific classes and high-impact curriculum materials that equip both English and Spanish speaking individuals with vocabulary and syntax that enables each to communicate efficiently and effectively in the context of the workplace – and in each other’s language! |
Teacher Name:
Robin Moore
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March 19, 2006
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
New York, New York
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
dariana Cruz
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March 18, 2006
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City, state or province:
Hollywood, CA
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Your first lesson is used to determine your current level and therefore sets the foundation for the rest of your learning course, which I carefully select, and implement for each succeeding lesson. You will also be given a time/goal sheet that maps out your Spanish speaking goals and the time frame with which you can acquire them. In addition, I integrate a wide variety of methods and materials (all inclusive, you don’t have to buy any extra books) into the lessons so that you are exposed to cultural and literary elements of the Hispanic world.
Using popular songs, and newspaper articles I attempt to engage my students in interesting and relevant dialogue so that they will be advancing their language skills without relying on tedious drills or exercises. |
Teacher Name:
zilfina rubio-ames
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March 18, 2006
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
southfield, michigan
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Rocio Jimenez Silva
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March 18, 2006
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
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Language to teach: |
Spanish (+1 other)
City, state or province:
Cullompton, Devon
Country: |
Great Britain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Uso de canciones y letras de grupos para poder memorizar cuándo emplear y cómo ciertas expresiones. También, gracias a msn practicar conversación y dar textos para traducir, intercambio de ideas y putos de vista.
Usi ng lyrics may be a good way to learn when and how to use some expressions. With msn we can also practice conversation and send texts to translate, share ideas and points of view. |
Teacher Name:
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March 18, 2006
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Roswell, georgia
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Email
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
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March 15, 2006
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
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Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Diana Regalado
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March 5, 2006
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Quito, Pichincha
Country: |
Ecuador |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
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