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Teacher Name:
Livia Scarnecchia
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December 6, 2013
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Antwerpen, Flender
Country: |
Belgium |
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Teaching approach: |
My lessons will be unique because I am a very interactive, communicative and funny person. In my last experiences in class, I always taught using tools and games, like team group and matches about grammar or idioms. I made the learner able to understand about its errors and to prevent them, finding a smart solution every time, or else autonomous and able to use my notions in a real life. I have the natural capacity to create feeling with my learner, making him/her at ease in every situation. I always try to give solutions to common problems in learning a new language, namely embarrassment or shame at the beginning. I always try to think as a learner, so in a very humble way, cutting the barriers between teacher and learner. My slogan is "learning a new language playing, making funny and smiling. For each problem there is a solution and a teacher can learn from a learner". Try with me, I think to be the right teacher for you. With me it will be a true pleasure to learn Italian and maybe... |
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