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Teacher Name:
Renganayaki rajan
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September 12, 2018
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sydney, NSW
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Australia |
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Live in person Email
Teaching approach: |
I can start with basic Tamil grammar and will teach based on students need. I can give more examples. |
Teacher Name:
Geetha Varnan
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June 26, 2018
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Sydney, NSW
Country: |
Australia |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Lessons are grade based. Can customize the lessons as per the learners need and level of progress. De dicated teacher to motivate the leaner to understand the language culture and variation in modern era. Expert in technology so flexible to motivate the learner to use the latest tools to learn the language flexible at their own environment and pace. Prompt at replying to the learners queries.
Teacher Name:
Asharaf Nisha Ahamed Ibrahim
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June 27, 2017
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Sydney, New South Wales
Country: |
Australia |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Mangala Srinivasan
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March 6, 2016
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Sydney, NSW
Country: |
Australia |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
1) I will go to the student level and make them comfortable to feel "Study is a pleasure not a pain" 2) Get into the good books of students 3) Keep the students in a comfort zone by making them feel comfortable to remove the student teacher fear / feel with a friendly manner 4) Always should start the conversation from "What they know than What we know" Based on this approach I will design the programs to suit their needs. 5) Academics will be related with real life scenarios with General knowledge. 6 ) Always feel that the teaching should be application oriented program. 7) Will make sure teaching should be a pleasure to me and not a pain to the children. Will gauge this from the response from the kids which will be my yardstick. |
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