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Teacher Name:
Daniela Damianova
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December 16, 2024
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
English (+1 other)
City, state or province:
Valencia, Spain
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Arina Kapustina
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August 14, 2021
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
English (+1 other)
City, state or province:
Valencia, Valencia
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Depending on student's needs and aims, I try to adjust and select several teaching approaches and techniques, and together with a student, we design a customized course that would meet student's goals. One of the most effective and useful approaches I like to use in my lessons is the communicative approach, as it evolves not only grammar but communicative skills which are the key to the interaction. In the lessons, we talk a lot about different things a student is interested in and make many curious exercises to make the student more confident and able to apply the knowledge received in the classes in real-life situations. |
Teacher Name:
Cam Mac
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October 14, 2011
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
English (+1 other)
City, state or province:
Valencia, Valencia
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Ana Bradu
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September 12, 2011
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
English (+2 others)
City, state or province:
valencia, comunidad valenciana
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
My approach is a friendly, fun an relaxed way of teaching. I belive that if u come to like a language it will be much easier to learn it. |
Teacher Name:
mercedes Rodrigo
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April 12, 2011
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
valencia, valencia
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Charles Shinondo
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September 16, 2009
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Valencia, Valenciana
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email
Teaching approach: |
I aim to cater for the various levels of English knowledge each student has and requires to obtain. After a free student consultation, I prepare the program that best suits the candidates needs.
The amount of time needed for each student and the duration of the program depends entirely on the student's level of understanding , assimilation of the work given and committment to the course.
The classes can be done at my home a a place suitable for the both the candidate and myself. Locations further away from the centre of Valencia may incur an extra charge to cover my transportatio n costs. |
Teacher Name:
Krzysztof Kosowski
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April 10, 2009
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
English (+1 other)
City, state or province:
Valencia, Valencia
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Email Text chat
Teaching approach: |
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