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Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Perth, Western Australia
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person, Online or Telephone
Description |
I would love to learn Portuguese because I lived in Sao Paulo Brasil for 6 months and would like to gain a greater understanding . I hope to go back very soon.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Brisbane, QLD
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Beginner, wish to learn Brazilian Portuguese. Partner is from Sao Paulo, I'd like to be able to talk to her parents next time we visit them. I'm looking for a teacher who has experience and patience. :)
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Launceston, Tasmania
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Online or Telephone
Description |
Quer ganhar uma renda extra para dar aula da sua casa atraves do SKYPE? Procu ramos professor(es) de portugues brasileiro para mim e para minha filha de 9 anos. Eu morei muitos anos no brasil e cheguei a falar, ler e escrever muito bem porem estou agora ha 4 anos morando fora e ja nao falo tao bem quanto antes. Minha filha nasceu em Brasil e no ano passado, voltou ao brasil para ficar 4 meses. Ela voltou a falar bem o portuguese (com soutaque carioca)porem precisa de mais practica com gramatica e vocabulario. Para ela, dou preferencia a um(a) professor(a)c om experencia com ensino fundamental mais do que com experencia no ensino de portugues para estrangeiros. Pretendemos ter aula por VOIP or Skype ou algo parecido. Uma outra coisa, onde moramos estamos 13 horas na frente do horario do Rio, Brasil. Vai ser um pouco dificil conciliar esse fuso horario porque precisamos de aula por volta das 7, 8 horas na noite o que seria bem cedo no brasil.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Newstead, QLD
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Im after more portuguese traditional lessons rather than Brazilian diolect have basic understanding already!
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Perth, Western Australia
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I am involved in many ex-Portuguese colonies cultures such as Brazil's Capoeira (as a instructor for children) a dance teacher in Kizomba/Semba (from Angola and Cape Verde).
I have many friends from Brasil and Angola/Cap Vert and would like to further improve my Portuguese with the hope of one day working in Brasil or Angola.
My current level is at a very basic understanding (learnt from the street) after having lived in Portugal for 4 months.
I am after a teacher who can give me quality lessons that can hopefully lead me to speaking and understanding a level of Portuguese where I can apply to professional business in the corporate sector.
I am willing to do at least 3 lessons a week if need be.
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