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Learner Name: Glenn
Learning Language Czech
City, State or Province Danevang, Texas
Country United States
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Description Ahoj,
My name is Glenn Bard.I need a teacher to teach me how to speak,read,an d write the Czech language.I am 46 years old ,and will move to Czech Republic to retire when I am 52.I am a beginner.I will need help in all aspects of the language.I would like to have at least two lessons a week,perhaps three,but will not limit my study to just lessons.I would also like to study each day.I will not waste your time,and you will have my undivided attention during lessons and study.My goal is to learn to speak like a native.I believe it is possible with hard work and determination .Glenn

Learner Name: Rick
Learning Language Czech
City, State or Province Melbourne, Florida
Country United States
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Description I am planning to travel to the Czech republic in May 2008 for several days. I have some extra time now and thought it would be fine to learn a little of the language.
I think I am a relatively quick learner. I know enough to read about 50% of a French newspaper, 30% of a Spanish newspaper and maybe 10% of a Russian article. I am a far better reader than speaker of any language.
I invision you sending me a book or some materials or telling me what to buy locally, and I spend 1-1/2 hours of study per week, plus 30 minutes of text messaging between us once per week and another 30 minutes on the telephone. So one hour of your time per week. Cost? $30 per week? Something like that. I could get tired of it early and quit, or might do it for months.

Learner Name: josh
Learning Language Czech
City, State or Province minneapolis, minnesota
Country United States
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Description want to learn czech. beginner level. learning for personal improvement, also going to bratislava in the fall. would prefer Slovak but czech, it seems, is as close as i can get.

Learner Name: Adam
Learning Language Czech
City, State or Province Grain Valley, Missouri
Country United States
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Description I have been living in Prague, Czech Republic for about 20 weeks this year (2006) setting up the European branch office for the company that I work for.

I will be spending around 4-8 weeks per year in the Czech Republic as we continue to develop the European Distribution Center.

I have studied from the first week. I understand the a-b-c-d and know a couple hundred words (give or take). I have practiced the 'r with hacek' sound and am told by locals that it sounds good. I know numbers, days of the week, months, greetings, and a variety of other words and a small number of phrases.

I am learning the Czech language because I am fascinated with its complexity as well as a desire to communicate with co-workers and friends in their native tongue. It would likewise be helpful in working with the local government once my proficiency is up to that level. I am the Vice President of the company and this would be beneficial to the company for the long term.

I would like to development an understanding of the grammar, and be able to speak in a conversationa l manner.

I would like to spend an hour per week to further my language learning.

I would like to have a teacher that understands the methods necessary to help an English speaker to properly learn, retain, and express the Czech language.

Learner Name: bill
Learning Language Czech
City, State or Province nashville, tn
Country United States
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Description hello,i'd like to learn the czech language. on a recent trip to karlovy vary, i may have met my future wife!
i am now considering teaching english in prague. i have no teaching experience and my knowledge of the czech language is at the beginner a basic understanding of the language,gram mer and pronunciation would be very helpful.
regards, bill in tn
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