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Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Utrecht, Nieuwegein
Country |
Netherlands |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I really want to learn Italian, and I am therefore looking for a teacher whose native language is Italian.I am very much a beginner! Preferably, I would like to be taught on a face-to-face basis, and if the lessons are taught in a group, even better! I would like to spend a few hours a week learning the language.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Utrecht, Utrecht
Country |
Netherlands |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I want to learn french because I want to go and study in France. I am a beginner. I have spoken few times french in my life. I want to be a part of a group and this would be perfect if I dedicate 4 hours per week. Sunday is preferable to have a lesson.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Utrecht, Utrecht
Country |
Netherlands |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I want to learn french to relocate to my company's Paris offices
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, State or Province
Utrecht, Utrecht
Country |
Netherlands |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Beste mevrouw/menee r, Ik ben momenteel op zoek een prive docent waar ik mandarijns kan studeren (spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen). Ik ben Chinees van achtergrond (opgegroeid in Nederland), echter ik spreek een dialect hakka (en beperkt cantonees). Ben zelf woonachtig in Utrecht en ik werk voornamelijk in Amsterdam. In beide steden kan ik Chinees les volgen. Kunt u hierbij helpen? Zoniet, weet u andere partijen die mij hierbij kunnen helpen? Met vriendelijke groet,
Winston Yip /********** ************** ************** **********/ Dear Madam / Sir,
I am currently seeking for a private teacher for studying mandarin (speaking, listening, writing and reading).
I'm Chinese from origin (grew up in the Netherlands), however I speak hakka dialect (and limited Cantonese ). 'm Living in Utrecht and I work mainly in Amsterdam. In both cities, I can take Chinese lessons. Can you help me? If not, do you know other parties who can help me?
Best regards,
W inston Yip
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Utrecht, Utrecht
Country |
Netherlands |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person, Online or Telephone
Description |
I intend to speak german as I think it will give me a definite advantage at my job. I have learnt some time ago, however I would consider myself a kind of a beginner. Co nversation is my priority. I' d like to take 2 lessons weekly.
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