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Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Taipei, Taýwan
Country |
Taiwan |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Online or Telephone
Description |
Ben im adým Matthew, Tayvan'da uzun zamandýr Ýngilizce ders veriyorum. Birkaç yýl önce Türkçe'yi öðrenmeye baþlamýþtým, þimdiye kadar boþ zamanýmda ara sýra çalýþýyorum. Yaþamýmýn içinde hiç Türkçe kullanmaya ihtiyacým yok. Türkçe'nin güzelliði ve öðrenme keyfi için çalýþýyorum.
Tayvan'da yaþarken Türkçe'yle konuþma imkaným hemen hemen yok. Bu nedeniyle online eðitimi arýþtýrmaya karar verdim. Böylece belki konuþma yönünde geliþmek mümkün olacak. Umarým ki, benim daha çaba göstermem için kýþkýrtan bir eðitimci bulabileceðim .
Hope to hear from you soon.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Country |
Taiwan |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
looking for Spanish/Engli sh for 7 year old kid. private lesson or a small group
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Taipei, Taipei city
Country |
Taiwan |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I'm a beginner of French speaker. I would like to improve my French for working in humanitarian aid programs. It will be great if the teacher is free to start the basic conversation courses like two days per week ( 2 to 3 hours per week). Thank you.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
taipei, taiwan
Country |
Taiwan |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I would like to learn Franch , becasue I am going to France in December this year. Beginner. wo rking in Taiwan.
co nversation 3 hours a week. Just teach me have a simple Conversation.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Taipei, Taiwan
Country |
Taiwan |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
i'd like to learn French.
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