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Home > Learners > Arabic, Moroccan > Great Britain

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Total found: 12 !
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Learner Name: Zub.
Learning Language Arabic, Moroccan
City, State or Province Bradford, West Yorkshire
Country Great Britain
Wants Lessons
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Online or Telephone
Description I am looking to learn Moroccan Arabic as I will be visiting the country soon and intend to move there permanently.
I am willing to dedicate at least 3-4 hours per week but more if necessary

Learner Name: Sophonie
Learning Language Arabic, Moroccan
City, State or Province London, London
Country Great Britain
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person,
Online or Telephone
Description I want to learn Moroccan Arabic in order to communicate with my family in law.

I am beginner and want to be fluent.

I am available 2 hours a week.

I am paying for my lessons (no company support) therefore I am expecting a reasonable rate.

Learner Name: MN
Learning Language Arabic, Moroccan
City, State or Province London, South London
Country Great Britain
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person,
Online or Telephone
Description I want to Learn Arabic Moroccan to help my communicate withmy Partner;s family who are from Morocco.
I have no level of Proficiency in this language, so very much a beginner.
I' d like to fit the languague lessons around my working hours ( 9 - 5.30)during the week, if possible (i.e. lunch hours or a couple of hours in the evening afer work?) but am open to the options that may be available for the group based language classes.
Qua lities - Good teaching skills, encouraging, patient, ensuring that learning is taking place/progres s is being made, ability to try different methods of learning if one particular approach doesn't work.

Learner Name: Shazzie
Learning Language Arabic, Moroccan
City, State or Province South London, England
Country Great Britain
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person
Description Hi there, I am looking to learn Moroccan Arabic as quickly as possible please.
I have many friends in Morocco and want to be able to communicate with them.
I would like to have private lessons on a one to one basis.
I would be very grateful for any help you can give me.
Many thanks
Shazz ie

Learner Name: SebastienB
Learning Language Arabic, Moroccan
City, State or Province LONDON, Greater London
Country Great Britain
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person
Description I am a beginner who wants to improve mainly conversation skills but also my knowledge of grammar.
My wife's Moroccan and we often visit Morocco.
I'd like to get a weekly lesson but will work it on a daily basis.
Total found: 12 !
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