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Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Sydney, NSW
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Online or Telephone
Description |
As a hobby, beginner, 2 hours per week, online teaching
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
sydney, nsw, kogarah
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I am a beginner, I dont speak the language. I will be moving to Sydney to live and work for a year, end of March (this month) I am learning this language for personal enjoyment, I have always wanted to learn and self tutoring needs a lot of discipline, to communicate with and visit my friends and also for possibly future career advancement!
2-3 hours a week, small group teaching welcome, private also, depending on price. Anyth ing, I enjoy grammar and vocabulary and conversation, understanding the mechanism of the language. I want to achieve proficiency over a year much more than would be expected eg of a tourist, and slowly learn to read basic articles would be amazing.
A teacher that is dedicated, preferably native, enjoys grammar and good conversationa list, i like to be pushed on and get a good feel of the language
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Sydney, NSW
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
This message was written in Portuguese and English Esta mensagem foi escrita em Português e Inglês
Olá !
Meu nome é Mainá e estarei indo morar em Sydney por um ano com a minha irmã mais nova que terá recém completado 11 anos. Ana Laura estuda em escola bilingue Português-Esp anhol aqui no Brasil e faz um curso de Inglês, mas ainda está no nível básico. Inic ialmente pensamos apenas em matriculá-la na escola normal, mas então ficamos com receio de ela se sentir muito isolada por não ter um bom nível de inglês e não queremos que ela perca o ano quando voltar ao Brasil. Assim, pretendemos deixá-la na escola em Sydney, mas contratar um tutor para ajudá-la com as disciplinas básicas (matemática e portugês) e também com seu inglês (podendo ser tutores diferentes). No momento precisamos de uma orientação e precisamos encontrar uma estrutura que funcione para ela. Toda ajuda é bem-vinda. Assim, buscamos por contatos de tutores que possam ensinar qualquer uma das três áreas: português, matemática e inglês. Encontrei seu nome em um site e me interessei muito, por isso agradeço se puder responder à esta mensagem.
Atenciosamente , Mainá
Hello !
My name is Mainá and I will be living in Sydney for a year with my younger sister who will be 11 years old. Ana Laura is currently enrolled in a Spanish - Portuguese bilingual school here in Brazil and has English classes, but is still at the basic level. Initi ally, we have only considered to enroll her in regular school in Sydney, but we have reconsidered because we are afraid she would feel very isolated for not being fluent in English. We do not want her to miss the school year when we return to Brazil. Thus, we intend to enroll her on a school in Sydney, and additionally hire a tutor to help her with the basic disciplines (as mathematics and portuguese) and also with English (we may need multiple tutors). At the moment we need guidance and we need to find a structure that suits our needs. Any help is welcome at this point. Thus , we seek for contacts of tutors who can teach any of the three areas: Portuguese, English and mathematics. I found your name on a website and became very interested. I would be truly grateful if you can answer this message.
Y ours, Mainá
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
sydney, nsw
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
my girlfriend is from portugal and i would love to able to talk to her in her native tongue as well as her family
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
sydney, nsw
Country |
Australia |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person, Online or Telephone
Description |
business and conversation for a new female friend.
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