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Teacher Name:
Indira Huamanga
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January 6, 2025
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Cusco, Cusco
Country: |
Peru |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Nuestro estilo de enseñanza onlines es muy interactivo , centrado en el desarrollo rápido de la gramática para luego aplicarlo en la conversación mas que en los ejercicios. Estamos principalment e enfocados a hablar y corregir sus errores todo el tiempo. |
Teacher Name:
Natalia A
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January 6, 2025
Student Feedback:
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Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Lima, Lima
Country: |
Peru |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
I'm currently studying pedagogy to teach languages, a nd I'm also a freelance tour guide. When I started working in this field, I realized I love to help foreign people. I'm very patient, caring and I always worry that you DO learn and improve your skills. I will support you through your learning process and encourage you continue. Co ngratulations for the interest in learning the amazing language: Spanish!!
As a tutor, being talkative and having a topic to bring to the sessions even if you feel shy or nervous, will make the difference. We can schedule 1-1 conversation sessions where you will train your Spanish ear as well as your speaking skills in a non- judgmental environment.
You will feel free to make mistakes, I believe you learn the most while you fail than when you are perfect and there is nothing wrong. No one can be perfect. If you have a special requirement, please do let me know.
My teaching material: PD F file Image files Articl es and news Te... |
Teacher Name:
Vanessa Conso
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October 29, 2020
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Lima, Lima
Country: |
Peru |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Apart from the clases from 2 or 3 days a week, I also offer you help trought whatsapp or any other social media in which we could practice an expand your knowledge about Spanish.It will be more just than a simple but a great experience and withouth paying a penny just by exchanging our languages together. |
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