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Teacher Name: Bindu M
More info - Contact teacher
May 3, 2021
Student Feedback: No student feedback
Self-study Lessons: No self-study lessons
Language to teach: English
City, state or province: Cardiff, Glamorgan
Country: Wales
Lessons delivery:
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Text chat
  • Voice chat
  • Video conferencing
  • Teaching approach:  

    Teacher Name: shekinah egan
    More info - Contact teacher
    November 24, 2018
    Student Feedback: No student feedback
    Self-study Lessons: No self-study lessons
    Language to teach: English
    City, state or province: Cardiff Bay, South Glamorgan
    Country: Wales
    Lessons delivery:
  • Email
  • Text chat
  • Voice chat
  • Video conferencing
  • Teaching approach: Graduating with a joint degree in Spanish and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, has provided me with an understanding of the different psychological approaches to teaching. Being attentive to specific learning difficulties, and how students process information reinforced the desire to empower individuals to improve their language skills.

    I became active in learning more about SLA (Second language acquisition), and the issues students faced when attempting to learn a language that was drastically different from their mother-tongue . I spent the majority of the time developing different materials and activities that would encourage learning in and outside the classroom. I strongly believe patience and consistency are important factors to consider when trying to teach English as a foreign language. The ability to provide genuine and caring support for students of all ages and different cultural backgrounds is very rewarding.

    I learn from students as much as they learn from m... 

    Teacher Name: mehrshad mojarrad
    More info - Contact teacher
    May 1, 2012
    Student Feedback: No student feedback
    Self-study Lessons: No self-study lessons
    Language to teach: English (+1 other)
    City, state or province: cardiff, wales
    Country: Wales
    Lessons delivery:
  • Live in person
  • Teaching approach: i noticed your classes are not that crowded so i can focus on becoming friends with my students and get involved with them in any aspect of daily life in paris. like setting daily meeting outside of the class atmosphere . mostly my work will include talking about (if farsi) on going matters of iran and foreign concerns, but it all depends on the level of the students. 

    Teacher Name: Peter Hummel
    More info - Contact teacher
    July 3, 2007
    Student Feedback: No student feedback
    Self-study Lessons: No self-study lessons
    Language to teach: English (+1 other)
    City, state or province: Cardiff, South Glamorgan
    Country: Wales
    Lessons delivery:
  • Live in person
  • Teaching approach: if i tell you now, what makes my lessons unique, someone else may take my methods and procedures and copy them, so they won't be unique any longer. 

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