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May 25, 2024
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Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
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Canada |
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Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
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我可以说英文和汉语,在我的课 堂里,不管你是想锻炼听、说、 读、写的能力,提高语言流利度 ,纠正发音,提高词汇量,或者 是对中国文化感兴趣,你都可以 在我的课堂中得到很大收获。我 也可以教你们唱中文歌曲,希望 我们的课堂充满了乐趣。我会特 别注意到你们的兴趣和爱好,也 鼓励大家在课堂上讨论自己喜欢 的事情,来提高汉语言的交流能 力。
I can speak English and Mandrid. In my classroom, whether you want to exercise your listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, improve language fluency, correct pronunciation , increase vocabulary, or keen on Chinese culture, you can gain a lot from it. I can also teach you to sing Chinese songs, and I hope our classroom is full of fun. I will pay special attention to your interests and hobbies, and encourage everyone to discuss their favorite things in class to improve their Chinese language communication skills. |
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