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Teacher Name:
Marina Mendes
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September 14, 2016
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Los Angeles, California
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I can help you learn fast and give you the keys you need. I can teach you slangs and as well as formal Portuguese. Also, I have traveled all over Brazil so if you need to learn a specific accent I am the right person for you.
I have created an extensive work of material for my lessons and I like to teach according to my students' needs, alternating between books and finding what works best for each person. Learning should be FUN! I like to include not only reading and writing exercises but also music (I play guitar and drums), videos, movies, etc. I believe learning a language involves much more than the language itself, it's the cultural experience that keeps people excited to learn!
Fee l free to contact me if you have any questions and até logo! |
Teacher Name:
Anna Silva
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October 25, 2013
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City, state or province:
Los Angeles, CA
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
I use a fun and comprehensive method that allows students to retain the language in a fast and effective way. I believe students learn by doing, so I bring real-world experiences to my classes by combining lectures with cultural immersion, diving into the best of the Brazilian music, film, art and cuisine. So weather the purpose is to prepare for a trip to Brazil by learning the basics or wanting to become proficient in the language, I am proud to have helped my students achieve their goals while falling in love with the language and culture. I have an MBA from Pepperdine University and possess a career as a global marketing consultant training executives on business Portuguese language and cultural business practices. |
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