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Teacher Name:
khadijah williams
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June 4, 2013
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Spanish (+1 other)
City, state or province:
memphis, Tennessee
Country: |
United States |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
I offer lessons where we g step by step building n prior knowledge to apply to what's current. I give a concentration on spelling on grammar and accents. I encourage students to speak in conversations with me, when you learn a word only say it in spanish. We work at the individual's pace.
12$ an hour for up to to 10 miles travel or cheaper for 3hrs and up daily, bulk services, and or if your willing to travel to me. $15 hourly for 10-15 miles which you will need to have more than 1 hour each session ( for me to travel) $20-25 an hour for 15 miles + (if i'm coming to you). You will have to need more than an hour each session for this service. |
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