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The Basics
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Before Practicing
Before you begin practicing, please read the free guideline, How To Do A Language Exchange
for hints on doing an effective language exchange.
Find Language Exchange Partners from Kfar Saba
Here are 20 of our most recent Kfar Saba members that could become your language exchange partner in Kfar Saba.
Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name | Country (City) | Native Language | Practicing Language | Description |
Hello, my name is Ramy. I'm here to practice my German. I'm a music student and I plan to continue my studies in Germany. In addition to music, I'm also interested in cinema, literature, art, culture and people. I'll be glad to he.....
Wanna have new friends with different cultures
Hi, I'm Jenna. I have a BA in English and an MS in Education. I'm happy to help with English in exchange for Hebrew 馃檹馃徎 my Hebrew needs help.
I've recently started learning Italian as we are planning to relocate to Italy in the following year. At the moment I have very basic level, and I hope to improve my knowledge by chatting.
Hi, I'm David :), native Hebrew speaker.
I want to practice my English and help improve your Hebrew.
Hello, my name is Rona, born and raised in Israel. In a few months me and my family will be moving to the Netherlands so I'm trying to learn Dutch. Looking forward to making some new friends :)
Sono dentista in pensione. Vorrei praticare il mio italiano. Studio italiano da un anno, mi ancora 猫 difficile ad esprimermi parlando.
Mi piace cucinare, sciare, navigare in barca a vela. Vorrei trovare un gruppo con cui potr貌 discutere varie argom.....
I am from Israel, but I finished a degree in the states.
I am native in English and Hebrew .
Hi, my name is Alejandro. I'm a Colombian living in Israel. I'm learning Hebrew and want to practice it, I think it's a very interesting language, but complex though. I have a decent level of English but I'd also like to practice .....
Hi, I'm Ofek, a 22 year old software developer.
I speak Hebrew and English quite fluently and would love to meet a partner to exchange languages with :)
Hi, ich bin Ofek, ein 22 Jahre alt Softwareentwickl er.
Ich spreche Hebr盲isch und Englis.....
My name is Ofir Sasson and currently I'm a BS.c student in computer science major. I want to learn Japanese by speaking and chatting with Japanese natives. If there are any Japanese natives who'd like to help, and also want to learn English.....
hello every one :)
I'm Yair
I'm fluent in English and in Hebrew, and also speak a little french.
I'm interested in speaking and learning Japanese.
I want to learn more casual japanese and less formal.
I've been lis.....
I've lived in Israel for several years but my Hebrew at best is fair. I want to drastically improve my Hebrew.
I am from the U.S. and speak excellent English.
Hello, my name is Sivan.
I am 25 years old.
born in Brazil and live in Israel.
I work as a pet groomer (dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses).
I'm looking for a great partner to learn Hebrew/English and Japanese together
please feel free to cont.....
Arabic, Middle Eastern
I am a native hebrew speaker and want to improve my english. I know a little arabic and one day want to learn more and practice it. I like to read, learn, sing, talk to people and juggle.
I want to learn as many language as i can because i love knowing new thing's and learning them , ill be so happy if someone will help me learn french\korean :)kaoakaotaalk. anabelleshk
Hello!i'm 20 years old from Israel who have interests in theater, music, drones, history, world cultures and folklore, books, and generally everything! would like to practice Spanish and would love to help someone improve his/her Herbrew/English. ....
砖诪讬 讗谞讛 讗谞讬 诪专讜住讬讛 讗谞讬 讘转 49
讗谞讬 讙专讛 讘讬砖专讗诇 讻讘专 砖谞转讬讬诐 讗讘诇 诇讗 讬讻讜诇讛 诇讚讘专
注讻砖讬讜 讗谞讬 诪讞驻砖转 注讘讜讚讛 讘注讘专讬转 讗讘诇 讗讬谉 住驻讛 讗讬谉 注讘讜讚讛
讗讜诇讬 诪讬砖讛讜 讬讻讜诇 诇注讝讜专 诇讬 诇讛转讞讬诇 诇讚讘专 讘注讘专讬转
Im learning Japanese because i love anima
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Continuer votre beau travail."
- Paskoila, St-jean (Qu茅bec) Canada
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- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.
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