A language exchange with a pen pal from Hokkaido is an excellent way to make a friend from Hokkaido, learn about its culture and improve
your foreign language skills.
This type of exchange is suitable for language learners of all skill levels, even beginners.
Because you have a common goal to help each other learn while discussing common interests,
you are likely to make meaningful friendships.
Compared to live conversation, there is less pressure, because you can take your time to use a dictionary or refer to your lessons at a time of your convenience.
It is also a great way to improve your writing, reading and grammar skills.
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Find Hokkaido Pen Pals Now
Here are 20 of our most recent Hokkaido pen pals that could become your pen friends.
To view all registered Hokkaido pen pals, please click here. Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name | Country (City) | Native Language | Practicing Language | Description |
北海道に住んで いるイギリスとポーランドのハーフで す 。真剣に日本語を学びたくて参加し ました。
ピアノを 弾くこと、アニメを見ること、 美術館とかでゆっくり過ごすの が好きです。
お互いのこと を尊敬、尊重できるお友達ができたら 嬉しいです☆
よろしくお願いし ます\(^o^)/
Hello, My name is Ryota. I live in Japan.
My occupation is a psychiatrist.
I learn English and Russian.
My hobby is kayaking , yoga and Manga.
Let’s practice together!
こんにちは 。私の名前はリョウタです。
英語 とロシア語を学んでいます。
一緒 にお話しましょう。
Hi! I’m Alice from Taiwan currently living in Japan. I like going traveling and driving. I love dogs especially shiba. Hope to improve my English and would be great to make some friends. If you wish to practice or learn mandarin or Japanese feel free.....
I'm a 15-year-old man who is a technical college student.
I am very interested in talking to foreigners. My hobbies are art appreciation, listening to music, and reading. I want to talk to you by video or audio. If you think you can do the abov.....
Moi! I'm very interested in Finnish cultures.(food, the way of life, nature and language) I want to make Finnish friends!
Hi there,
My name is Hikaru from Japan.
I really like learning languages that I have learnt some languages before (German, French, and English).
And now I'm learning Italian (sometimes English).
My reason for learning Italian is that I like .....
Hello, My name is Saeko from Japan. I am beginner in Finnish and intermediate in English, and native in Japanese.
I used to teach Japanese to foreign people in Japan.
I just started using this site, so I'm not sure how it works yet, and I am.....
I can speak English but want to improve my conversation ability more. And now I would like to study another language for trips.
I'm a parson who love cats, playing guitar, and driving. Of course traveling is quite go.....
I'm a musician and music teacher in Japan. I'm currently doing my master study so sometimes I can't reply quickly.
I'd like to improve my speaking skill. If you are interested in Japanese I could help you :)
I work in Hokkaido(north Japan), something related to IT.
Since I had an epiphany, I have studied English recently.
I can read okay, but I have very little experience of speaking English with people, so I'd be happy to learn a lot here.
At u.....
こんにちは!私は既婚者の日本人です 。料理、読書、アウトドアなどか好き です。新しくフィンランド語の勉強を 始めたいと思っていますが、それ以外 の国の方ともコミュニケーションを取 りたいと思っています。宜しくお願い します。
Hello, I'm married woman from Japan. l'm interested in reading,cooking, outdoors and so on. I would like to start studying Finnish,.....
English |
- Other - |
French |
- Other - |
I am Japanese. I can only speak Japanese. I am interested in learning languages and different cultures. I like the sea, yoga, travel, hiking, herbs ,permaculture. I am also interested in nutrition, brain science, psychology ... and the environment, c.....
My name is Hiro and I live in Hokkaido.
I live in Kitami City on the Sea of Okhotsk side.
Until two years ago, I was a mechanical engineer in Tokyo, but I returned to my hometown to care for my mother.
Now that I have more free time in Hokkai.....
こんにちは。私の名前はjunyaと いいます。英語を話せるようになりた くてここのサイトきました。中学校か ら英語の勉強はしてきたんですが話す ことは全くの苦手なのでいつか喋れる ようになりたいです。
日本語は得 意なので日本語を学びたい人はぜひ連 絡してきてください。
ゴール ド会員じゃないので気軽にラインやメ ール送ってきて下さいー
Hi,M y name is junya. I want to speak English very well, so I study English every day.....
Hello!i am AYA from japan.i want to study english and egyptian alabic.i can teach you japanese.let's talk to me!!
こんにちは、シップマンです。よろし くお願いします。
最近、北海道の 羽幌町に引っ越しました。友達を作っ たい!
僕は仕事で英語を教えてい るので、英語を教えることもできます 。
日本語は少ししか話せませんが 、毎日練習しています。
Hi there, my name is Isaac. It is nice to meet you.
Recently, I moved to Haboro-cho in Hokkaido from the United States. I want to make.....
Hello! I live in Hokkaido,Japan. When I visited other countries (overseas trip), I found the pleasure of experiencing other cultures. My hobby is riding a road bike ,skiing, traveling. I can speak a little English. So I would like to learn Englis.....
I am Japanese and would like to learn different languages
I'm Japanese!
I live in Kansai area.
17 years old
I want to speak English well.
Please teach me a lot of English!
Soy japonesa, hablo un poco de Español. Hace unos años vivía en Mexico. Me gusta aprender Español y no quiero olvidarlo. Quisiera ayudarme a practicar Español para que en algún día visitara a otro pais.
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Thank you for everything."
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- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.
..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites
de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup.
Continuer votre beau travail."
- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada
"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other
students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the
future as a teacher. Thanks."
- United States
..."finally something useful on the Internet."
- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.
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